Wesley’s Story (a grandmas perspective)

Those few words, ‘Who’s the cutest little boy in Killam,’ changed my life forever…

And the answer? It’s Wesley, of course! Born on February 28, 2019, this little guy has been an absolute blessing.

My daughter and her husband waited nine long years for Wesley to join their family. I remember how much my daughter yearned for another child and how heartbroken she was after every negative pregnancy test.

They were already blessed with one beautiful little boy, born on Christmas Eve 2009, but struggled to conceive again—until the summer of 2018.

I’ll never forget that phone call. All I could hear was uncontrollable sobbing on the other end. It was my daughter, crying so hard I couldn’t make out her words. My heart raced as I tried to calm her down, and then suddenly she blurted out, ‘Mom, I’m pregnant’.

Wesley’s Story

The Gift

Autism Speaks

The Bond

Autism Speaks

On October 31, 2022, just after 12 noon, my phone rang. I saw my daughter’s name on the screen and answered.

Her voice was steady, but her words were heavy. The little gift she had given birth to just two and a half years prior had been officially diagnosed with level 3 autism, severe speech delay, and repetitive behavior. We talked for a while, and I could sense her heartbreak and confusion.

I won’t sugar-coat it—I cried. And then I cried a whole lot more. “Her world will change forever,” was my first thought. But thankfully, she has a mother who’s determined to figure things out.

I spent a lot of time with my daughter in the following days, listening more than talking. She dove headfirst into researching autism online after Wesley’s diagnosis, and I quickly found myself getting educated too. There was no time to wallow—it was time to make a plan.


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