Yorkie Vibes: 5 Reasons to Adopt a Yorkie
The Yorkshire terrier, or Yorkie, is a spunky, smart, small dog that is up for anything.

November 23, 2022

Energetic & Lovable!

Yorkies are the smallest of the terrier group, never getting larger than 7 pounds, but you wouldn’t know it from their personalities. These feisty, fearless “tomboy” dogs were bred as ratters—meaning they were used for hunting rats—in northern England, and they’ve stuck true to their working-class roots. Yorkies are loyal and will take on any challenge in a New York minute.

These pups have big personalities and the brains to match. A dedicated owner can train and socialize these little divas into delightful companions. Their indomitable spirit makes them great little watch dogs and amusing pals to keep you company. Yorkies may not appear to be your traditional watchdog, but they are always on the alert for weird people and sounds, so they will yelp to let you know there is something unusual that needs investigating. They are very affectionate and like snuggling a lot. Yorkies have sharp brains in their little body that are brilliant at learning new tricks. These  wee dogs are often great choices for Pet Parents living in condos or apartments. They can also be a good companion for city life, as they  fit easily in a tote bag or sling. If you have small children or a busy home, however, a Yorkie may not be for you: The breed can be nippy around kids and reactive to noise. 

Trainable? Yes!

Yorkshire’s are very trainable, and they can do just about any trick you ask of them. In fact, they’re so clever that people use them for agility courses (the ones where they have to jump through hoops and weave between batons). They pick up quickly on new tasks, which makes them easy to train. This is a major plus for first time owners. Beyond that, though, Yorkies also have a certain emotional intelligence. These dogs can pick up on when you’re feeling down, and they’re always happy to be there to lend support (or just lay in your lap and cuddle you). That makes them great companion dogs, and it’s one of the reasons that they’ve become so beloved.

Since Yorkies bond deeply with their people, they, like some other breeds of small dogs can become territorial. To avoid this, good training and socialization when they are young, will be important.

Requires Moderate Exercise

You might think a pup as small as a Yorkie doesn’t need exercise, but he definitely does! Yorkies were originally bred to chase rats, so these small pooches need regular mental and physical stimulation. A few short walks a day or chasing after a ball will do the trick, as will brain games like food puzzles or hide-and-seek. You might even consider agility training with this tiny-but-mighty pup.   
Important tip: Yorkies also don’t do well in extreme heat or cold weather. Keep your exercise time to the cool parts of the day during hot months and bundle your pup up when you go outside during winter.

Suitable For Allergy Sufferers

The Yorkie’s coat is more like human hair than animal fur. This means that some people who suffer from dog allergies can peacefully coexist with a Yorkie. If someone in your home needs a hypoallergenic dog, see if the Yorkie’s hair will keep symptoms at bay. While there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog, there are some breeds that are considerably easier on allergy sufferers. While having hair instead of fur can be helpful when it comes to allergies, it does need more maintenance than some other breeds coats. These dogs will need their hair washed, brushed and trimmed regularly. With increased grooming needs can come increased costs, unless you plan on learning to do this yourself. Matted hair can cause pain and skin issues and can result in the dog needing to be shaved. If you can’t commit to keeping up with your dog’s grooming needs it might be best to consider a breed that is lower maintenance.

Yorkie Health Issues

Yorkshire Terriers are generally healthy, but they can be prone to certain health conditions, like patellar luxation (dislocated kneecaps), collapsing trachea, portosystemic shunts (which result in reduced liver function), intervertebral disc disease, and certain eye anomalies. Regular visits to your vet can help you stay on top of your Yorkie’s health and happiness so you can both enjoy your every tote bag adventure!


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